Storm Notes
…but the boat by this time was a long way from the land, beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them. And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”
To my precious four,
This scenario has played out in my mind often over the last several weeks - the raging sea and the terrified disciples with no knowledge of how it was all going to play out,
Peter, seeing that his Lord was near on the water pleads for Jesus’ command to come out on the tumultuous waves to Him. And Jesus, in His kindness calls him near.
This account is not unfamiliar to you, you know the wildness of a mere man stepping out on water and finding purchase as he looks toward His Friend and Lord.
Only, the wind presses hard and takes Peter’s focus and he begins to sink beneath the waves.
Of course he does.
If there is something I am acutely aware of in this season is how quickly my focus shifts from Jesus to the ever changing situations around me.
I remember the summer we lived on the edge of a lake in central Alberta, when the mosquitos were at their thickest and we would see the black clouds building in their rush toward our small home almost daily. We would pile out onto our porch and sit so still while the storm raged overhead - the thunder and lightning making the foundation beneath us shake while the rain came down in sheets. The magnitude of such power drew our attention and wonder, not our fear, because we were safe under the roof the covered us.
Peter had nothing firm below or above him as he stepped forward on the water, only Christ, the sure foundation and anchor for his soul.
What a gift for him, and for us now, that the moment he began to sink he knew to cry out to Jesus who immediately reached out His hand to drew Peter back out of the water to true safety.
However, what did I notice this time as I read through Matthew’s account that has been so near in my mind these last 5 weeks? The wind didn’t cease until Peter and Jesus got in the boat together. Peter found himself walking the waves that were looming large again, but knowing intimately Who it was that was holding him fast.
A conversation happened in the car at school drop off, a reminder once again that while we can’t control what happens around us, we can open our mouths in prayer to the One Who is sovereign over the storms around us. We can plead for mercy and strength.
A song I sang to you all when you were small, that caused eye rolls when you were older, became an anchor today.
We are called to an obedience that is worked out by faith. When we don’t know how to respond to the uncertainty of a situation, we can be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ has forgiven you. As you take that first step forward, with eyes fixed on Jesus, He will give you what you need for the next step. And when the waves become even rockier, call out louder. He will not let you fall.
And if you do, He will be right there.
The storm may not settle yet, but He is Lord and King over that too. You can find your refuge fully in Him.
With love.
the one who sojourns with you